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Good Luck!

The INCO company switchboard is covered by three operators, exactly two being on duty on any day. Bob works on the switchboard for a minimum of three days a week. None of the operators work for four consecutive days in a week.

The manager is preparing a new rota and, due to other constraints, has filled it in as far as shown below:

1. Which days will Carla work?
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    The correct answer is A.

    If Carla worked Tue, Wed and Thu, Bob worked Mon, Tue and Fri and Amy worked Mon, Wed and Fri, this would satisfy the requirements that exactly 2 operators are on duty per day and none of the operators work for 4 consecutive days.

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    - Medicmind Tutor

    Sun, 31 Oct 2021 14:01:48

    I don't know if I'm missing something, but surely only one person would then be on duty on Thursday?

    Cosmologists have suggested new criteria for the boundaries of the ‘habitable zone’ – e. the region around a star, such as the Sun, in which liquid water can theoretically exist. This zone is     also called the Goldilocks zone, because temperatures are ‘just right’ for life there. The new criteria make many planets look too hot for liquid water. One example is Kepler-22b, which was once deemed the most habitable world  outside our solar system. Surprisingly Earth, which by the old criteria used to be in the middle of our sun’s habitable zone, is now much closer to the warm edge, so that it seems to be almost too hot for liquid water. Of course, we know that Earth is robustly life- friendly. The mismatch is probably because neither set of criteria accounts for clouds, which reflect sunlight away from Earth.

    2. Which one of the following is a conclusion that can be drawn from the above passage?
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    The correct answer is C.

    Statement C is correct here because the ‘habitable zone’ is not a reliable criteria to asses whether a planet is habitable or not because it only considers whether liquid water can exist based on the planet’s temperature. However, this measure not take into account clouds for example, as stated in the last sentence of the paragraph. This illustrates that this criteria has not taken into account other confounding factors that could make a planet habitable. Therefore only statement C can be correct.

    Statement A is incorrect as it is too bold of a statement and does not fully encompass the conclusion of the entire passage.

    Statement B is also incorrect because it cannot be inferred that it was previously believed that fewer planets were thought to be habitable simply because they have come up with a new criteria. There could have previously been another criteria that would have made less/more planets habitable and so therefore cannot be inferred as correct.

    Statement D is incorrect because it is too bold to assume that clouds would be the sole additional factor needed for life to exist on Kepler-22b.

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