Speed as well as accuracy is important in this section. Work quickly, or you might not finish the paper. There are no penalties for incorrect responses, only marks for correct answers, so you should attempt all questions. Each question is worth one mark.

You must complete the answers within the time limit. Calculators are NOT permitted.

Good Luck!


Below is a diagram showing the complement cascade, an important aspect of the immune system. Complement are proteins that become activated in times of infection and inflammation, dysfunction in this cascade can result in impaired ability to fight against infection.


1. What is the outcome of the complement cascade?
  • 2


    The correct answer is C.

    Candidates should be able to use the short description above the paragraph to determine that answer C is correct. Complement is an aspect of the immune system therefore A is incorrect; B is incorrect as the complement cascade shown in the diagram evidently does not inhibit or deactivate aspects of the immune system. D is incorrect as there is no evidence of specialised cells being activated in the diagram.

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