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Here you will find all TSA Conclusions questions that have been written 2008-2019.

Sometimes poverty is defined in relation to average income. For example, people may be said to be poor if their income is less than 60 per cent of the average income for the This is not a legitimate definition, because it is a measure of inequality rather than poverty. This is obvious if we consider the consequences of using the definition. It means that a huge pay rise for middle managers automatically throws some people into poverty, even though their income has not changed. On the other hand, the definition implies that in a society where almost everyone is starving, no one is poor.

1. Which of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the above argument?
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    The correct answer is C.

    The argument focuses on discrediting the definition of poverty in relation to average income. The argument goes on to talk about how this definition is more a measure of inequality, backing up the authors point with evidence of how huge pay rises effect those whose income hasn’t changed, and causes them to be defined as impoverish despite not having their income changed. Looking at the answer option E is irrelevant, option B is not a valid conclusion, and option D is not a conclusion of the paragraph, more of a point that was made to help illustrate the conclusion. This leaves us with options A and C. While both options are valid conclusions, statement A acts to support option C when using the therefore test. Leading us to the correct answer of C.

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